Corporate Responsibility that starts with Orica Car Rental

Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility

Building a sustainable future with the local community

Orica Car Rental makes corporate contributes and supports important CSR initiatives throughout communities.

To maximise our corporate contributions, we concentrate our philanthropic efforts on the poor and needy that deserve the needs of the communities in which we operate. We welcome your requests for donations to your organization. Due to the enormous volume of donation requests we receive, it is not possible to respond to every single inquiry.

Some of our philanthropic efforts

  • We organise and raise funds for Orphanages and Monasteries
  • We organise and raise funds to build a school for the less unfortunate kids
  • We organise and raise funds for the children that do not have enough money to buy pencils, books and uniform to go to school.
Pencil For Kids Yangon
Pencil For Kids
Organising a charity drive to raise funds
Charity Dinner to raise funds for the less fortunate kids